Financial Planning

Are you confident you'll always have enough income to support your lifestyle?

Are you at all concerned you might run out of money some day?

At Wander Financial Services, our goal is to get clients to a better place so they can enjoy a financially secure future.  We use a three-step process we call Reality Check that works as follows:

  • Determine where you are today vs. where you need to be
  • Develop and implement a plan to bridge the gaps and/or adjust your goals
  • Monitor and adjust your plan along the way to keep you on track

Among the areas we will explore are the following:

  • How much income you will need in retirement to maintain your desired standard of living
  • Determine the sources of income (i.e., social security, pension, 401k, real estate, etc.) that will fund your lifestyle.
  • Construct a tax-efficient investment strategy to meet your objectives.
  • Establish a realistic withdrawal rate to provide your monthly cash flow

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